Enhance Your Speech and Smile with Frenectomy Treatment

Unlock Clear Speech with Frenectomy Treatment

Struggling with Speech Issues from a Tongue Tie?

We can offer you an effective solution! Spacing between your upper front teeth can occur due to various factors, such as a thick frenum, the small size of your teeth, or the size of your jaw. A thick frenum of the upper lip or tongue can significantly impact speech and appearance, making it crucial to address it. We can resolve the issue of a thick frenum with a procedure called frenectomy!

Before/After Frenectomy

Dr. Adatrow's Patient Before getting Frenectomy treatment
Dr. Adatrow's Patient after getting Frenectomy treatment

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Frequently Asked Questions on Frenectomy

What is a Frenectomy?

A frenectomy is a surgical procedure typically performed under local anesthesia that removes or loosens tissue bands attached to the ear, cheek, or floor of the mouth. It improves tongue movement and can reduce gaps between the upper front teeth. Depending on the method used, a frenectomy can be performed using a scalpel, electrosurgery, laser, or a combination of these techniques.

Types of Frenectomy

  1. Lingual Frenectomy: This procedure involves the removal of the lingual frenulum, which attaches the tongue’s underside to the floor of the mouth. It is commonly used to treat ankyloglossia (tongue-tie).
  2. Labial Frenectomy: This type targets the labial frenulum, which may be attached between the upper front teeth and the gum, causing a large gum gap and gum recession. It removes the frenulum of the lips.
  3. Buccal Frenectomy: This procedure involves the removal of the thick tissue connecting the cheek and gums, which can help in denture stabilization and repositioning of the frenum.

Pre-Frenectomy Measures

Before a frenectomy, our dental team will review your medical history and X-rays to assess the condition of your teeth and bone. You should inform us about any medications you are taking, as we may recommend adjustments before the procedure.

What is a Frenum?

The frenum (or frenulum) is a small ridge or fold of skin that anchors a semi-mobile portion of the body. Frenulums are found in the oral cavity, under the tongue, and on the inner side of the lips.

Can Frenectomy Be Performed with a Laser?

Yes, a laser frenectomy can be performed, using a laser instead of a scalpel. This method offers a gentle, minimally invasive solution with less irritation, swelling, and bleeding. It often eliminates the need for sutures.

Why Was I Recommended a Frenectomy?

A frenectomy is recommended if you have a thick frenum that restricts tongue movement, impacting your speech, chewing efficiency, oral hygiene, and causing spacing in your upper front teeth.

Complications of a Thick Frenum

  1. Speech Difficulty: A thick frenum can restrict tongue movement and impede speech abilities.
  2. Diastema: A thick frenum can cause spacing between upper front teeth, leading to diastema.
  3. Mouth Breathing: Limited lip movement can result in mouth breathing.
  4. Decreased Confidence: Speech difficulties or significant spacing between front teeth can impact confidence.
  5. Unstable Denture: A thick or improperly placed frenum can interfere with denture stability.

When is Frenectomy Required?

A frenectomy is necessary when:

  1. The lingual frenum is too long, affecting tongue function.
  2. A large maxillary labial frenum creates a gap between the front teeth.

How is Frenectomy Performed?

Typically, the procedure involves:

  1. Administering a topical anesthetic followed by a local anesthetic.
  2. Cutting the frenum using a scalpel, surgical scissors, or a cauterizing device.
  3. Stitches may be needed for severe cases.
  4. The entire process usually takes 15 minutes or less.

Types of Frenum Found in the Oral Cavity

  1. Lingual Frenum: Connects the tongue to the bottom of the mouth.
  2. Labial Frenum: Connects the lips to the gum above and below the front teeth.
  3. Buccal Frenum: Connects the gums to the inside of the cheeks.

Am I Eligible for a Laser Frenectomy?

Most people are eligible for a laser frenectomy, except those with severe periodontal disease or serious health issues. Dr. Adatrow will evaluate your oral and medical health to recommend the best treatment for your condition.